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Terms for subject Politics (10761 entries)
mandato imperativo binding mandate
mandato judicial court order
mandato judicial court order (injunction)
mandos intermedios middle management
mandos intermedios middle management (The wide range of technical and supervisory staff between first-level supervision and top management)
manì groundnut
manì groundnut (nut)
manifiestamente inadmisible manifestly inadmissible
mano de obra labour force
mano de obra labour force (The economically active population)
mano de obra, empleo, desempleo y movilidad labour force, employment, unemployment and mobility
mantenimiento maintenance
manual manual
manual de educación obrera workers education teaching aid
manual de educación obrera workers education teaching aid (Any printed and /or non-printed material designed for use in training courses for trade union members)
manual para formadores trainers manual
mapa edafológico soil map
máquina herramienta machine tool
máquina herramienta machine tool (A power-driven machine designed for cutting or shaping wood, metal, etc)
maquinaria agrìcola agricultural machinery