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Terms for subject Commerce (2409 entries)
harina de torta de soja cake of soybean
harina de trigo flour of wheat
harina de triticale flour of triticale
harina de tubérculos flour of roots
harina de tubérculos flour of tubers
harina de yuca flour of cassava
harina lacteada instant cereal milk food
harina molida entre piedras stone-ground flour
harina no desengrasada full-fat flour
harina ordinaria straight-run flour
harina selecta patent flour
harina sin gluten non-gluten-forming flour
harina y gránulo de alfalfa alfalfa meal and pellets
harinillas finas fine middling
harinillas medias medium middling
helados comestibles a granel prepackaged edible ice
higo chumbo prickly pear
higo seco dried fig
hipermercado hypermarket
hipermercado large supermarket