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Terms for subject Politics (10761 entries)
gastos de formación training expenditure
gastos de salud health expenditure
gastos de salud health expenditure (Public expenditure on health services)
gastos de viaje travel expenses
gastos del proceso costs of the proceedings
gastos elegibles eligible expenditure
gastos evitables avoidable costs
gastos extraordinarios excessive costs
gastos funerarios funeral grant
gastos generales overhead cost
gastos militares military expenditure
gastos necesarios necessary expenses
gastos previstos taxed costs
gastos procesales costs
gastos sociales social expenditure
gastos subvencionables eligible expenditure
género gender (Refers to the social differences, as opposed to the biological ones, between women and men that have been learned, are changeable over time and have wide variations both within and between cultures)
género y desarrollo gender and development
género y desarrollo gender and development (An approach to development which focuses on the social differences and often unequal relations between men and women. [Do not confuse with WOMEN IN DEVELOPMENT, an approach based on the need to integrate women into ongoing development strategies])
genocidio genocide