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Terms for subject Chemical fibers (474 entries)
fibra de sisal sisal hemp
fibra de sisal sisal fibre
fibra escindida split fibre
fibra incombustible de bonote flame-proof coir fibre
fibra industrial industrial fibre
fibra inquebrantable tear-proof fibre
fibra larga long-fibres
fibra larga long staple
fibra lustrosa glossy fibre
fibra marrón brown fibre
fibra no maderera non-wood fibre
fibra recuperada recovered fibre
fibra retorcida en espiral twist of fibre
fibra rizada curled fibre
fibra textil de vidrio textile glass fibre
fibra virgen de lana primary fibre of wool
fibras a base de caseína casein-based fibres
fibras algínicas alginic fibres
fibras artificiales artificial fibres
fibras artificiales cellulosic fibres