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Terms for subject Immigration and citizenship (1638 entries)
Enfoque Global de la Migración Global Approach to Migration and Mobility
Enfoque Global de la Migración y la Movilidad Global Approach to Migration and Mobility
enseñanza para los guardias de fronteras de la UE EU Border Guard Basic Training
entablar nuevas diligencias bring further proceedings
entrada clandestina clandestine entry
entrada ilegal illegal entry
entrada ilegal unauthorised border crossing
entrada ilegal unauthorised crossing of a border
entrada ilegal unauthorised entry
entrada irregular illegal entry
entrada irregular unauthorised border crossing
entrada irregular unauthorised crossing of a border
entrada irregular unauthorised entry
entrada irregular irregular entry
entrada legal legal entry
entrada legal al territorio admission onto the territory
entrada no autorizada illegal entry
entrada no autorizada unauthorised border crossing
entrada no autorizada unauthorised crossing of a border
entrada no autorizada unauthorised entry