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Terms for subject Municipal planning (1308 entries)
escabel stepstool
escabel stool
escoba de ramitas atadas en haces broom consisting of twigs bound together
escoba mecánica mechanical carpet sweeper
escobilla hand brush
escobilla para limpiar botellas brush for bottle-washing
escobilla para limpiar pipas cleaner for smoking pipes
escobilla para limpiar pipas pipe cleaner
escobillón brush mounted on wire
escobillón para tuberías brush for cleaning tubes and piping
escobillón para tubos de lámparas brush for cleaning cylindrical lamp glasses
escote opening in the neck-line
escote de barco boat-shaped opening in the neck-line
escribanía escritoire
escritorio office desk
escritorio writing-desk
escritorio escritoire
escudilla bowl
escurreplatos plate rack
escurridora eléctrica electric drying machine