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Terms for subject Health care (26713 entries)
aberración cromosomica chromosome aberration
aberración cromosómica chromosomal aberration
abertura de escape de sonido sound leaking aperture
abierto overt
abitesartán abitesartan
ablación de un ojo anatomical loss of an eye
ablación de un ojo enucleation
ablandador meat tenderizer
ablandador tenderizer
ablukast ablukast
abofetear slap
abogotamiento puffiness
abortar abort
aborto azul Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome
aborto azul blue ear disease
aborto azul mystery pig disease
aborto azul mystery reproductive syndrome
aborto contagioso Bang's disease
aborto contagioso bovine brucellosis
aborto contagioso Brucella abortus infection