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Terms for subject Uncommon / rare (72 entries)
qarzni uzdik all square
qo‘rqib cowardly
qo‘rqinch (hadik) bilan cowardly
qo‘shimcha (ilova) sifatida qo‘shmoq appendix
qulflab [zanjirlab] bekitmoq closet
qulflab qo‘ymoq closet
qulflamoq closet
roziman all serene
soy beck
tarqoq dissociate
tepalik (balandlik) bilan qoplangan downy
tirishib ko‘rmoq to send the ax after the helve
tirishib ko‘rmoq to send the axe after the helve
tuzuk all serene
xo‘p all serene
xo‘p all square
yaxshi all square
yaxshigina all serene
yomon emas all square
zanjirlamoq closet