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Terms for subject Uncommon / rare (72 entries)
ko‘ngildagidek all serene
ko‘ngildagidek all square
mayli all serene
mujassamlantirmoq body
o‘z uyigakelgan joyiga jo‘nab qolmoqketmoq to pack up (one's) awls and be gone
ora ochiq all square
ora ochiq bo‘ldi all square
orani ochiq qildik all square
oxirgi (so‘nggi) marta tavakkal qilib ko‘rmoq to send the ax after the helve
oxirgi (so‘nggi) marta tavakkal qilib ko‘rmoq to send the axe after the helve
past-baland downy
qarzdan qutuldik all square
qarzni uzdik all square
qo‘rqib cowardly
qo‘rqinch (hadik) bilan cowardly
qo‘shimcha (ilova) sifatida qo‘shmoq appendix
qulflab [zanjirlab] bekitmoq closet
qulflab qo‘ymoq closet
qulflamoq closet
roziman all serene