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Terms for subject Environment (6671 entries)
teljesítmény-hő viszony power-heat relation (The ratio of the work done by an engine to the heat supplied)
tenger sea
tengerbiológia marine biology (A branch of biology that deals with those living organisms which inhabit the sea)
tengerészeti térkép chart (A map for navigation that delineates a portion of the sea, indicating the outline of the coasts and the position of rocks, sandbanks and other parts of a sea; nautical)
tengerfenék sea bed (The bottom of the ocean. Also known as sea floor; sea bottom. The ocean floor is defined as the near-horizontal surface of the ocean basin)
tengerfenék élővilága benthos (Those organisms attached to, living on, in or near the sea bed, river bed or lake floor)
tengerfenék kiaknázása sea bed exploitation (Marine mineral resources extend far beyond those presently exploited; minerals are derived from two separate types of marine sources: from sedimentary deposits underlying the continental shelves and from inshore deposits on the surface of the continental shelves. By far the most valuable of the mineral resources exploited from marine environments is petroleum. Offshore placer deposits on the surface of the continental shelves yield gold, platinum, and tin. On the floors of the world's oceans manganese nodules are found as a result of pelagic sedimentation or precipitation; they are small, irregular, black to brown, friable, laminated concretionary masses consisting primarily of manganese salts and manganese-oxide minerals)
tengerfenék morfológia submarine morphology (That aspect of geological oceanography which deals with the relief features of the ocean floor and with the forces that modify them)
tengerfenék ökoszisztéma benthic ecosystem (The interacting system of the biological communities located at the bottom of bodies of freshwater and saltwater and their non-living environmental surroundings)
tengerfenék-bányászat sea bed mining (The activity or processes involving the extraction of mineral deposits from the surface, or below the surface, of the ocean floor)
tengerfenéki megoszlás benthic division (The bottom of a body of water often occupied by benthos)
tengergeológia marine geology (That aspect of the study of the ocean that deals specifically with the ocean floor and the ocean-continent border, including submarine relief features, the geochemistry and petrology of the sediments and rocks of the ocean bottom and the influence of seawater and waves on the ocean bottom and its materials)
tengerhajózás maritime navigation (Travelling on the sea by means of boats, ships, etc.)
tengerhez való hozzáférés access to the sea
tengeri állatvilág marine fauna (Animals which live in the sea)
tengeri balesetekért való felelősség liability for marine accidents (Subjection to a legal obligation, such as financial recompense or ecological reparations, for any harm or damage inflicted on persons, property or the environment in the course of commercial or recreational activity in, on or near a sea)
tengeri emlős marine mammal (Mammals which have adapted to live in the sea, such as whales, dolphins, porpoises, etc.)
tengeri erőforrás sea resource (Marine resources include food, energy and minerals)
tengeri erőforrás megőrzés marine resources conservation
tengeri fűágy sea grass bed (Seaweeds communities formed by green, brown and red macroscopic algae and by sea phanerogams such as Posidonia oceanica and Zostera noltii, etc.)