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Terms for subject Military (1876 entries)
actions au profit des forces actions in support of the forces
actions civilo-militaires civil-military action
actions civilo-militaires civil-military cooperation
actions dans les champs psychologiques psychological operation
actions humanitaires humanitarian actions
actions spéciales unconventional warfare
activer un itinéraire activate (to) a route
adaptation in direct support of
adjoint aéromobilité airmobility deputy
adjoint feux fire assistant
administration des personnels militaires military personnel administration
aéroportable air-portable
aéroportage tactical air trooping/air freighting
aérotransport airlift
aérotransportable air-transportable
âge du renseignement reporting time
agent anticulture anticrop agent
agent chimique toxique toxic chemical agent
agent contaminant contaminating agent
agent incapacitant incapacitant agent