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Terms for subject General (169621 entries)
yaourt à la pulpe de fruit yoghurt with real fruit
yaourt au bifidus live yoghurt
yaourt parfumé à la mangue mango-flavoured yoghurt
yaourts sans parfum artificiel yoghurts with no artificial flavouring
yard carré sq yd
yard carré square yard
Yémen Yemen
yersiniose enteric red-mouth disease
yeux artificiels artificial eyes
yeux brillants de fièvre eyes bright with fever
yeux brillants de malice eyes sparkling with mischief
yeux injectés de sang bloodshot eyes
yeux vairons wall-eyes
Yougoslavie Yugoslavia
ypérite au soufre sulphur mustard gas
ypérite azotée nitrogen mustard
Zaïre Republic of Zaire
Zambie Zambia
Zambie Zambia
Zanu-Front patriotique Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front