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Terms for subject Environment (33978 entries)
traitement et utilisation des boues organiques et déchets agricoles liquides (COST 681/2) treatment and use of organic sludges and liquid agricultural wastes (COST 681/2)
traitement fongique fungal treatment
traitement hors site ex situ treatment
traitement industriel des résidus urbains industrial treatment of urban waste
traitement intégré des déchets integrated waste disposal
traitement intermédiaire intermediate level treatment
traitement intermédiaire secondary biological treatment
traitement mécanique des effluents mechanical effluent treatment
traitement par anoxie anoxic treatment
traitement par boue activée activated sludge
traitement par épandage land application
traitement par épandage wastewater land application
traitement par lagunage aéré treatment in aerated lagoons
traitement physicochimique physicochemical treatment
traitement physicochimique physicochemical treatment (Any processing of wastewater, toxic substances or other materials involving a combination of physical and chemical methods, such as physical processes including air-stripping or filtration and chemical processes including coagulation, chlorination or ozonation)
traitement physique physical treatment
traitement physique physical treatment (Processes that separate components of a waste stream or change the physical form of the waste without altering the chemical structure of the constituent materials. Physical treatment techniques are often used to separate the materials within the waste stream so that they can be reused or detoxified by chemical or biological treatment or destroyed by high-temperature incineration)
traitement phytosanitaire phytosanitary treatment
traitement phytosanitaire phytosanitary treatment (Removal of heavy metals from water by the employment of plants or treatment by which plant organisms act to degrade hazardous organic contaminants or transform hazardous inorganic contaminants to environmentally safe levels in soils, subsurface materials, water, sludges, and residues)
traitement plasmatique plasma process