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Terms for subject Politics (12290 entries)
Transport aérien Air transport
transport de malades patient transport
transport de marchandises goods transport
transport des travailleurs workers transport
transport ferroviaire railway transport
Transport ferroviaire Railway transport
transport fluvial inland water transport
Transport fluvial Inland water transport
transport intérieur inland transport
transport intérieur inland transport (Transport within the limits of a country)
transport international international transport
transport international international transport (Transport from one country to another)
transport international, interieur et urbain international, inland and urban transport
transport maritime sea transport
Transport maritime Sea transport
Transport routier Road transport
transports transport
transports aerien, maritime, fluvial, routier et ferroviaire air, sea, inland waterway, road and railway transp
Transports aériens Air transport
travail work (Human activities, paid or unpaid, that produce the goods or services in an economy, or supply the needs of a community, or provide a person's accustomed means of livelihood)