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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
taux de reproduction reproduction rate
taux de reproduction reproductive rate
taux de réutilisation rate of re-use
taux de rotation trippage
taux de saturation en oxygène dissous dissolved oxygen saturation rate
taux de transformation conversion rate
taux de transformation formation rate
taux de transformation transformation rate
taux de valorisation rate of recovery
taux différentiels en matière d'impôts tax differentials
taux incitatif incentive rate
taux pivot vert green central rate
taux réel de salinité de l'eau effective concentration of salts in water
taxation taxation (The act or result of a government requiring money for its support or for specific facilities or services)
taxation taxation
taxation des émissions de gaz carbonique imputables aux produits énergétiques energy-carbon taxation
taxe tax (An amount of money demanded by a government for its support or for specific facilities or services, most frequently levied upon income, property or sales)
taxe compensatoire compensatory tax (Compulsory charge levied by a government for the purpose of redressing or countervailing economic disparity)
taxe d'assainissement sewerage tax
taxe d'émissions emission charge