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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
tarsien tarsier
tas de déblai excavation heap (Residue in form of a heap, consisting of earth or other material, produced by excavation)
tas de déblai excavation heap
task force "technologies environnementales pour l'eau" task force on environmental water technology
Task Force communautaire en matière de lutte contre la pollution marine accidentelle EEC Task Force dealing with accidental pollution at sea
task-force contre la pollution accidentelle en mer EEC Task Force dealing with accidental pollution at sea
tassement soil settling
tassement soil compaction
tassement soil settling (Compaction involves the close-packing of the individual grains mainly by the elimination of pore-space and expulsion of entrapped water; this is normally brought about by the weight of the overlying sediments)
tassement de la masse des déchets mis en décharge settling behaviour of the level of the landfill body
tassement des ordures compaction of waste
tassement des ordures waste compaction
tassement des résidus compaction of waste
tassement des résidus waste compaction
tassement superficiel surface crusting
tassement superficiel surface run off
tassement superficiel surface sealing
tauassuidés peccaries
taupe à queue glabre Eastern mole
taupe de Townsend Townsend's mole