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Terms for subject Environment (33978 entries)
structure du paysage landscape structure
structure du sol soil fabric
structure du sol soil structure (The combination or aggregation of primary soil particles into aggregates or clusters, which are separated from adjoining peds by surfaces of weakness. Soil structure is classified on the basis of size, shape, and distinctness into classes, types, and grades)
structure économique economic structure (The underlying framework, including transportation and communications systems, industrial facilities, education and technology, that enables a country or region to produce goods, services and other resources with exchange value)
structure fragmentaire (du sol) fragmental structure (of the soil)
structure galvanoplastique metalplastic compound structure
structure galvanoplastique metalplastic structure
structure industrielle industrial structure (No definition needed)
structure institutionnelle institutional structure (An organization's complex system of mutually connected and dependent elements or parts, which make up a definite manner of arrangement)
structure naturelle des eaux natural structure of the water
structure par âge héritée du passé age-class legacy effect
structure particulaire (du sol) single grain structure (of the soil)
structure régionale regional structure
structure régionale regional structure (The organization or arrangement of a large geographical territory or a designated division of a country or state that may be formulated according to some administrative, biological, political, economic or demographic criteria)
structure sociale social structure (A term loosely applied to any recurring pattern of social behaviour; or, more specifically, to the ordered interrelationships between the different elements or a social system or society)
structure spatiale geographic pattern
structure spatiale spatial pattern
structure stratifiée layered structure
structure thermique de l'atmosphère temperature structure of the atmosphere
structure trophique trophic structure