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Terms for subject Veterinary medicine (2612 entries)
strongylose rénale (Dioctophyma renale) dioctophymosis
strongylose rénale (Dioctophyma renale) giant kidney worm infestation
strongylose respiratoire lungworm disease
strongylose respiratoire dictyocauliasis
strongylose respiratoire equine dictyocauliasis
strongylose respiratoire husk
strongylose respiratoire hoose
strongylose respiratoire verminous bronchitis
subclinique subpatent
subclinique inapparent
suc ganglionnaire gland liquid
suie piglet eczema
suipoxvirose swinepox disease
suipoxvirus swinepox virus
suraiguë peracute
surcharge gastrique (dilatatio ventriculi acuta) acute distension of the stomach
surinfecté overinfected
surlangue (Hostis pecoris) foot-and-mouth disease
surlangue (Hostis pecoris) aphtous fever
surveillance des marchés et des mouvements market and movement management