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Terms for subject Marketing (7731 entries)
spécialistes de la recherche commerciale market research firm
spécification d'un emploi job description
spécifications techniques garanties guaranteed technical specifications
spot télévisé spot TV
spot télévisé spot television
STABEX-ALA Export earnings stabilization system for least-developed countries in Asia and Latin America (ALA)
stabilisation des prix des vaches d'abattage beef cow stabilization
stabilité de la balise en polarisation rectiligne stability of the linearly polarised beacon
stade importateur-grossiste importer-wholesaler stage
staff franchise franchise executive staff
staff franchise franchise management staff
stage initial de formation du franchisé franchisee initial training
stage initial de formation du franchisé franchisee start-up training
standardisation du know-how know-how standardization
standardisation du savoir-faire know-how standardization
stimulation à la vente consumer sales appeal
stimulation à la vente sales appeal
stimulation à la vente shelf sales appeal
stimulation à la vente sales incentive program
stock inventory