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Terms for subject General (175558 entries)
son interprétation sent un peu trop le travail her performance is rather too constrained
son intervention a désarçonné l'orateur his remark threw the speaker off balance
son intervention m'a desservi he did me a disservice by intervening
son irrespect envers l'autorité his disrespect of authority
son jean a besoin d'un bon lavage his jeans need a good wash
son lait s'est tari her milk dried up
son licenciement s'ajoute à ses autres problèmes the loss of his job adds to his other problems
son livre a provoqué une véritable tempête dans les milieux politiques his book raised quite a storm in political circles
son livre abonde en anecdotes her book is rich in anecdotes
son livre est à la portée de tous her book is easily accessible to the ordinary reader
son livre est d'un grotesque! his book is ludicrous!
son livre mérite un coup de chapeau his book deserves some recognition
son livre passe pour sérieux her book is considered to be serious
son long combat contre le cancer his long struggle against cancer
son manteau des grands jours the coat she wears on important occasions
son maquillage dégoulinait her make-up was running
son mari a disparu her husband has absconded
son mari sort vraiment de l'ordinaire! her husband is one of a kind!
son mariage a suscité bien des commentaires her marriage caused a great deal of comment
son mariage a suscité bien des commentaires her marriage caused a great deal of gossip