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Terms for subject General (169621 entries)
son article a été le pavé dans la mare his article caused a bit of a furore
son aspiré aspirate
son attachement pour sa mère his affection for his mother
son attachement pour sa mère his attachment to his mother
son attention se relâche his attention is flagging
son attitude donne la mesure de son cynisme his behaviour shows just how cynical he really is
son attitude envers les femmes his attitude towards women
son attitude envers moi his attitude towards me
son attitude m'a ôté mes dernières illusions his attitude rid me of my last illusions
son attitude n'est pas qualifiable his attitude can't be justified
son attitude n'était pas exempte d'un certain mépris her attitude wasn't without contempt
son attitude ne laisse rien préjuger de sa décision his attitude gives us no indication of what he is going to decide
son attitude, après coup, s'expliquait bien it was easy to explain her attitude afterwards
son attitude, après coup, s'expliquait bien it was easy to explain her attitude in retrospect
son avis a du poids auprès du reste du groupe her opinion carries weight with the rest of the group
son beau visage mâle his handsome, manly face
son beau-frère, faut se le farcir! his brother-in-law is a real pain!
son bon sens semblait l'avoir quitté he seemed to have taken leave of his senses
son bonheur était tel qu'il ne pouvait y croire his happiness was such that he could hardly believe it
son bulletin scolaire est tout à fait honorable her school report is quite satisfactory