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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
signal discontinu discontinuous signal
signal séquentiel sequential indicator
signal-prix pour l'utilisateur d'énergie pricing signal to energy user
signe précurseur d'un séisme earthquake precursor
significatif au seuil de significant at
silencieux silencer (Any device designed to reduce noise, especially the device in the exhaust system of a motor vehicle)
silencieux à absorption absorptive silencer
silencieux à résonance resonator silencer
silicium silicon (A brittle metalloid element that exists in two allotropic forms; occurs principally in sand, quartz, granite, feldspar, and clay. It is usually a grey crystalline solid but is also found as a brown amorphous powder. It is used in transistors, rectifiers, solar cells, and alloys. Its compounds are widely used in glass manufacture, the building industry, and in the form of silicones)
silico-aluminate alcalino-terreux natural zeolite
sillage sonore d'un avion supersonique sonic boom carpet
silo silo (A large round tower on a farm for storing grain or winter food for cattle)
simplicité volontaire enoughness
simplicité volontaire sufficiency
simulateur de feu firemodel
simulation simulation (A representation of a problem, situation in mathematical terms, especially using a computer)
singe doré gold lion tamarin
singe laineux à queue jaune yellow tailed woolly monkey
singes primates
singes anthropoïdes anthropoidal monkeys