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Terms for subject General (169621 entries)
recrutement de personnel personnel recruitment
recrutement du personnel recruitment of staff
recrutement et affectations staffing
recrutement et gestion des effectifs resourcing
recruter (personnel) recruit (staff)
recruter indistinctement hommes et femmes recruit people regardless of sex
recruter sur titres recruit on the basis of (paper) qualifications
rectification adjustment
rectification de frontières boundary adjustment
rectification des carences deficiency rectification
rectification des crédits adjustment of credits
rectifications effectuées sur correction de valeur d'exercices antérieurs rectifications to the value adjustments of previous financial years
rectifier le tir change (one's) angle of attache
rectifier le tir change (one's) approach to a problem
rectifier ses propres déclarations correct observations that one has made
rectifieuses trueing machines
rection government
rection rection
rectite sore bottom
recto recto