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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
réactif de flottation flotation reagent
réactif de Schweitzer cuprammonium
réactif de traitement treatment chemical
réactif photochimique photochemical agent (Agents which trigger off photochemical reactions)
réactif photochimique photochemical agent
réactif titrant titration reagent
réactifs chimiques chemical reagents
réactifs et effets photochimiques photochemical agent
réaction au feu burning behaviour
réaction chimique chemical reaction (A change in which a substance is transformed into one or more new substances)
réaction chimique chemical reaction
réaction chimique chemical reactions
réaction des plantes plant response
réaction en cas de catastrophe disaster response
réaction nucléaire nuclear reaction (A reaction involving a change in an atomic nucleus, such as fission, fusion, neutron capture, or radioactive decay, as distinct from a chemical reaction, which is limited to changes in the electron structure surrounding the nucleus)
réaction photochimique photochemical reaction
réaction photochimique photochemical reaction (Chemical reaction which is initiated by light of a specific wavelength. In an environmental context an example is the potential action of ultraviolet light on CFCs which may bring about the detrimental degradation of the ozone layer. Photochemical reactions initiate the process of photosynthesis in which plants convert carbon dioxide into sugars, which are incorporated into cell materials)
réactions photochimiques photochemical reaction
réaération de l'eau water re-aeration
réalimentation des nappes induced recharge of aquifer