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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
rapports d'achèvement des projets project-completion reports
raquette de l'Est Eastern prickly pear cactus
raréfaction de l'oxygène oxygen depletion
raréfaction des oiseaux paucity of bird life
raréfaction des ressources en eau scarcity
raréfaction des ressources en eau scarcity of water resources
rareté de la ressource en eau et sécheresse water scarcity and drought
rat à grosse queue false water-rat
rat à grosse queue Central thick-tailed rat
rat à grosse queue Macdonnell Range rock-rat
rat architecte greater stick-nest rat
rat architecte house-building rat
rat kangourou d'Ord Ord's kangaroo rat
ratel honey badger
ratio chaleur/ énergie fournie power-heat relation (The ratio of the work done by an engine to the heat supplied)
ratio chaleur/ énergie fournie power-heat relation
rationalisation de la collecte rationalization of the collection
rationalisation des choix budgétaires Planning-Programming-Budgeting System (A system to achieve long-term goals or objectives by means of analysis and evaluation of the alternatives. PPB is designed to solve problems by finding the most effective and most efficient solution on the basis of objective criteria)
Rationalisation des indicateurs européens de la biodiversité pour 2010 Streamlining European 2010 Biodiversity Indicators
rationnement de logements house rationing