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Terms for subject Social science (10733 entries)
responsabilités familiales care responsibilities
responsable associatif representative of an association
responsable de l'information publique public information officer
ressource terminologique terminology resource
ressources humaines human capital
Restauration des dix commandements de Dieu Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God
Restauration des dix commandements de Dieu Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God
restauration sociale social restoration
restriction de participation participation restriction
restriction de participation handicap
rétablissement du droit de garde restoration of custody
retenue de logement rental deduction
retour au foyer homecoming
retrait rétroactif du bénéfice de l'allocation retroactive withdrawal of entitlement to the allowance
retraité pensioner
retraité retired person
retraité retiree
retraite anticipée pre-retirement
retraite convenable adequate pension
retraite du combattant retirement pension for war veterans