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Terms for subject General (175558 entries)
parrains d'une motion mover and seconder of a motion
parrains de la motion mover and seconder of a motion
pars à la campagne, tu te reposeras d'autant mieux you'll have a much better rest if you go to the country
pars devant, je te rattrape go ahead, I'll catch up with you
pars, tu vas rater ton train go, or you'll miss your train
parsemer (quelque chose) de scatter something with
part part
part à deux double booking
part bénéficiaire participation certificate
part cumulée du contingent communautaire aggregate share of the Community quota
part cumulée du contingent communautaire cumulative portion of the Community quota
part d'intérêt partnership
part d'intérêt partnership interest
part d'intérêts partner's share
part des administrations publiques dans le PIB public authorities' share in GDP
part des investissements investment ratio
part des investissements rate of investment
part des voix share of the votes
part équitable du commerce mondial d'exportation equitable share of world export trade
part salariale corrigée adjusted share of wages and salaries