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Terms for subject General (175558 entries)
ONST Swiss national Tourist Office
ont voté pour et ont voté contre yeas and nays
ONU Femmes United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
ONU Femmes UN Women
onychauxis hyperonychia
onychauxis hyperonychosis
onychauxis supernumerary nails
opacification du cristallin cataract
opacitéde la fumée opacity (of smoke)
opacité du cristallin cataract
opacité du milieu urbain built-up area opacity
opacité radiologique X-ray shadow
opalines opaline glass
OPC coordonné coordinated UCI
OPC non coordonné uncoordinated UCI
open open tennis championship
open open tennis tournament
opéra bouffe comic opera