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Terms for subject Fish farming (pisciculture) (10090 entries)
obstruction à la tâche des inspecteurs obstructing the work of inspectors
octroi de pavillon granting of flag rights
octroyer une licence grant a licence
odeur douce sweet odor
odontaspide taureau sand tiger shark
oel-präserven oel-präserven
oeufs de harengs sur laminaire herring roe on kelp
oeufs de poisson fish roe
oeufs de poisson fish seed
oeufs de poisson hard roe
oeuvé roed
ogive de sélection selection ogive
omble char
omble Arctic charr
omble American lake char
omble American lake trout
omble char
omble Great Lake trout
omble grey trout
omble ilkalupik