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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
neige snow (The most common form of frozen precipitation, usually flakes or starlike crystals, matted ice needles, or combinations, and often rime-coated)
neige partiellement fondue sleet
nématicide nematicide
nématicide nematocide
nématocide nematicide
nématodes nematode (A group of unsegmented worms which have been variously recognized as an order, class, and phylum)
Nepenthes khasiana Indian pitcher plant
néphélémétrie nephelometry
néphélomètre nephelometer
nette à cou rose pink-headed duck
nettoiement cleaning
nettoiement des plages beach cleansing
nettoiement des plages beach cleansing (The process of removing dirt, litter or other unsightly materials from shore line property or surrounding areas)
nettoiement des rues street cleaning
nettoyage cleaning up (The process of bringing desert, marsh, sea coast or other waste or unproductive land into use or cultivation)
nettoyage cleansing
nettoyage cleaning up
nettoyage cleansing (The act or process of washing, laundering or removing dirt and other unwanted substances from the surface of an object, thing or place)
nettoyage a l'air air scour
nettoyage à sec dry cleaning (To clean fabrics etc. with a solvent other than water)