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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
limites pour les rejets discharge limits
limnanthe de Macoun Macoun's meadowfoam
limnologie limnology
limnologie limnology (The study of bodies of fresh water with reference to their plant and animal life, physical properties, geographical features, etc.)
limnologue limnologist
limon silt (The fine mineral material formed from the erosion of rock fragments and deposited by rivers and lakes. Its particles are the intermediate form between sand and clay. The particles can range in size from 0.01-0.05 mm in diameter)
limon argileux clay loam
limonite bog iron ore
limpidité de l'eau clarity of water
linaire commune common toadflax
linaire commune toadflax
linaire vulgaire common toadflax
linaire vulgaire toadflax
linge radioactif active laundry
linsang tacheté tiger-civet
lion de l'Asie Asiatic lion
lion de l'Asie Indian lion
liondent rough hawkbit
liparis à feuilles de lys purple twayblade
lipide lipid (One of a class of compounds which contain long-chain aliphatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives, such as fatty acids, alcohols, amines, amino alcohols, and aldehydes; includes waxes, fats, and derived compounds)