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Terms for subject General (175558 entries)
je lui ai proposé de travailler pour moi, tout en me doutant bien qu'il refuserait I suggested he work for me, but I knew he wouldn't accept
je lui ai retourné le compliment I returned the compliment
je lui ai retourné son compliment I returned the compliment
je lui ai servi d'interprète I acted as his interpreter
je lui ai trouvé mauvaise mine hier he didn't look very well to me yesterday
je lui ai versé 250 euros comptants I paid him 250 euros in cash
je lui briserai les reins I'll break him
je lui casserai les reins I'll break him
je lui demanderais, si ma timidité ne m'en empêchait I would ask him if I were not so shy
je lui déplais tant que ça? does he dislike me as much as that?
je lui dirai, quitte à me faire renvoyer I'll tell him, even if it means being fired
je lui dois sa demi-journée I owe her half-a-day's pay
je lui dois sa demi-journée I owe her for half-a-day's work
je lui donne 50 euros pour sa semaine I give her 50 euros a week pocket money
je lui donnerai la clé en m'en allant I'll give him the key on my way out
je lui en ai une vive reconnaissance I am most grateful to her
je lui en parlerai discrètement I'll have a quiet word with him
je lui en veux à mort I hate his guts
je lui garde un chien de ma chienne I've got something up my sleeve for him that he's not going to like one bit
je lui parlerai, si toutefois il veut bien me recevoir I'll talk to him, that is, if he'll see me