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Terms for subject Politics (12825 entries)
indemnisation pour maladie professionnelle occupational disease compensation
indemnisation pour maladie professionnelle occupational disease compensation (employment accident benefit)
indemnité compensatoire des handicaps naturels permanents compensatory allowance for permanent natural handicaps
indemnité d'accident du travail employment injuries benefit
indemnité d'accident du travail employment injuries benefit (employment accident benefit)
indemnité d'arrachage bonus for uprooting of trees
indemnité de cessation d'emploi redundancy payment
indemnité de cessation d'emploi redundancy payment (severance pay)
indemnité de départ separation payment
indemnité de départ separation payment (severance pay)
indemnité de formation training allowance
indemnité de formation training allowance (Stipend or other payment made by an employer or from public funds to an employee undergoing training for a certain period, usually outside the normal place of work)
indemnité de grève strike benefit
indemnité de maladie cash sickness benefit
Indemnité de maladie Cash sickness benefit
indemnité de maladie cash sickness benefit (Monetary payment to a beneficiary when unable to work due to illness, as specified by the insurance coverage. (1997))
indemnité de mission mission allowances
indemnité de renvoi termination benefit
indemnité de renvoi termination benefit (severance pay)
indemnité de vie chère cost of living allowance