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Terms for subject General (175558 entries)
il suffit qu'elle aille parler à son médecin pour aller mieux, c'est psychologique she only has to talk to her doctor to feel better, it's all in her mind
il suffit que je tourne le dos pour qu'elle fasse des bêtises I only have to turn my back and she's up to some mischief
il suffit! it's enough!
il suit de votre déclaration que le témoin ment it follows from your statement that the witness is lying
il suit la ligne du parti he follows the party line
il suit le feuilleton à la radio tous les jours he tunes in to the serial every day
il suit un cycle court he'll leave school at sixteen
il suit un cycle long he'll go on to higher education
il suivait des yeux ses moindres gestes he was watching her every move
il surajoute toujours des détails inutiles he always adds unnecessary details
il t'a ausculté? did he listen to your chest?
il t'a menti — prouve-le-moi! he lied to you — prove it!
il t'aime bien, mais il ne t'aidera pas pour autant just because he's fond of you (it) doesn't mean that he'll help you
il t'arracherait les yeux s'il savait he'd tear your eyes out if he knew
il t'arracherait les yeux s'il savait he'd scratch your eyes out if he knew
il t'arrive des misères? what's the matter then?
il t'exploitera jusqu'au trognon he'll squeeze you dry
il tape bien he types well
il tape bien he's a good typist
il tape mal he types badly