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Terms for subject General (175558 entries)
il sera fait selon votre désir it shall be done as you wish
il sera là aussi, ça tombe mal he'll be there too, which is unfortunate
il sera là d'une minute à l'autre he'll be arriving any minute
il sera là d'une minute à l'autre he won't be a minute
il sera malaisé de lui apprendre la vérité telling him the truth will be no easy matter
il serait bon de préciser l'heure de la réunion it would be a good thing to give the time of the meeting
il serait bon de préciser l'heure de la réunion it would be a good idea to give the time of the meeting
il serait déraisonnable de partir si tard it wouldn't be wise to leave so late
il serait grand temps de te secouer! it's high time you pulled yourself together!
il serait mal venu de la critiquer it wouldn't be appropriate to criticize her
il serait plus sage que tu prennes une assurance it would be wiser for you to take out insurance
il serait temps que je renouvelle ma garde-robe it's high time I bought myself some new clothes
il sied à (quelqu'un) de ... it is proper for somebody to ...
il sied à (quelqu'un) de ... it behoves somebody to ...
il sillonnait les mers depuis 20 ans he'd been ploughing the (ocean) waves for 20 years
il songe sérieusement à se remarier he's seriously considering remarriage
il songe sérieusement à se remarier he's seriously contemplating remarriage
il sortit puis se mit à courir he went out and (then) started to run
il souriait aux anges dans son sommeil he was smiling happily in his sleep
il souriait de mon entêtement my stubbornness made him smile