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Terms for subject General (169621 entries)
il lui est apparu opportun de partir avant elle he found it appropriate to leave before her
il lui est apparu opportun de partir avant elle he found it advisable to leave before her
il lui est difficile de venir it's difficult for him/her to come
il lui faisait des compliments en veux-tu en voilà he was showering her with compliments
il lui faisait une cour assidue he courted her assiduously
il lui fallait se tenir à quatre pour ne pas parler he had to bite his lip to bite his tongue not to speak
il lui fallait se tenir à quatre pour ne pas rire he had to bite his lip not to laugh
il lui faudra au moins deux heures pour venir, vu qu'il est à pied he'll need at least two hours to get here, seeing that he's (coming) on foot
il lui faudra répondre de plusieurs tentatives de viol he'll have to answer several charges of attempted rape
il lui faut de la distraction he needs to have his mind taken off things
il lui fit signe d'aussi loin qu'il la vit he signalled to her as soon as he saw her in the distance
il lui fit signe du plus loin qu'il l'aperçut he signalled to her as soon as he saw her in the distance
il lui obéit au doigt et à l'œil she rules him with a rod of iron
il lui plaît de croire que... she likes to think that...
il lui vient des velléités de repeindre la cuisine he sometimes gets the urge to redecorate the kitchen
il m'a accueilli le plus gracieusement du monde he greeted me very amiably
il m'a annoncé la bouche en cœur qu'il ne venait plus he gaily announced to me that he was no longer coming
il m'a appelé le lendemain, et le surlendemain he called me the next day, and the day after
il m'a apporté des fleurs, c'était mignon comme tout he brought me flowers, it was so sweet of him
il m'a associé à son projet he included me in his project