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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
ilôt de diversité génétique island of natural genetic diversity
îlot écologique de collecte separate ecological collection
image satellite satellite image
image satellite satellite image (A pictorial representation of data projected onto a two-dimensional grid of individual picture elements (pixels) and acquired from a human-made vessel placed in orbit round a planet, moon or star)
imazaquine imazaquin
imbibition imbibition
imbrûlés unburned residues
imbrûlés ash
imbrûlés combustion residue
imidaclopride Gaucho
imidaclopride imidacloprid
immersion dumping
immersion dans les eaux de mer immersion in salt water
immersion de déchets en mer dumping of waste in the sea
immersion de déchets radioactifs en mer radioactive waste sea dumping
immersion de substances nocives dumping of harmful substances
immersion des déchets sinking of waste
immersion des déchets sinking of waste (A manner of waste disposal in which refuse or unwanted material is dumped or submerged beneath the surface of a body of water)
immersion en mer de déchets radioactifs sea dumping of radioactive waste
immeuble collectif apartment house