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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
ibis, spatules ibises and spoonbills
iceberg iceberg (A large mass of detached land ice floating in the sea or stranded in shallow water)
iceberg iceberg
ichtyofaune fish population
ichtyofaune fish fauna
ichtyotoxines ichthyotoxins
identification de l'impact environnemental environmental impact identification
identification de la source de pollution pollutant source identification
identification de produits product identification
identification de produits product identification (Attaching a notice to a product or container bearing information concerning its contents, proper use, manufacturer and any cautions or hazards of use)
identification des cargaisons nocives et dangereuses identification of noxious and hazardous cargoes
identification des cargaisons perdues par dessus bord identification of cargo lost overboard
identification des polluants identification of pollutants (The determination of the specific substance or substances that are causing pollution)
identification des polluants identification of pollutants
identification des scènes scene identification
identification du lieu (SIG) scene identification
identification du lieu scene identification
idéologie ideology (A body of ideas that reflects the beliefs and interest of a nation, political system, etc. and underlies political action)
idéologie politique political ideology (A belief system that explains and justifies a preferred economic and governmental order for society, offers strategies for its maintenance or attainment and helps give meaning to public events, personalities and policies)
ignifugation fire retardant treatment