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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
huile moteur usagée waste engine-oil
huile pyrolitique pyrolytic oil
huile recyclée rerun oil
huile redistillée rerun oil
huile souillée par des PCB oils contaminated with PCBs
huile usagée waste oil
huile usagée waste oil (Oil arising as a waste product of the use of oils in a wide range of industrial and commercial activities, such as engineering, power generation and vehicle maintenance and should be properly disposed of, or treated in order to be reused)
huile usée used oil
huile usée waste oil
huile végétale vegetable oil (An edible, mixed glyceride oil derived from plants (fruit, leaves, and seeds), including cottonseed, linseed, tung, and peanut; used in food oils, shortenings, soaps, and medicine, and as a paint drying oil)
huiles d'usinage de synthèse synthetic machining oils
huiles d'usinage usées, contenant des halogènes (pas sous forme d'émulsion) waste machining oils containing halogens (not emulsioned)
huiles d'usinage usées, sans halogènes (pas sous forme d'émulsion) waste machining oils free of halogens (not emulsioned)
huiles hydrauliques contenant des PCB ou des PCT hydraulic oils, containing PCBs or PCTs
huiles hydrauliques et liquides de frein usés waste hydraulic oils
huiles hydrauliques et liquides de frein usés waste hydraulic oils and brake fluids
huiles hydrauliques minérales hydraulic oils containing only mineral oil
huiles hydrauliques non chlorées (hors émulsions) non chlorinated hydraulic oils (not emulsions)
huiles hydrauliques non chlorées (émulsions) non chlorinated emulsions
huiles isolantes et fluides caloporteurs et autres liquides contenant des PCB ou des PCT insulating or heat transmission oils and other liquids containing PCBs or PCTs