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Terms for subject Pest control (2422 entries)
hélice swirl plate
hélice swirl core
hélicide molluscicide
helminthosporiose de l'avoine (Pyrenophora avenae) stripe disease
helminthosporiose de l'avoine (Pyrenophora avenae) leaf stripe and seedling blight of oats
helminthosporiose de l'avoine (Pyrenophora avenae) blotch of oats
helminthosporiose du blé (Cochliobolus sativus) root and foot rot of wheat
helminthosporiose du maïs (Helminthosporium turcicum) maize leaf blight
helminthosporiose du maïs (Helminthosporium turcicum) black ear rot of corn
helminthosporiose du maïs (Helminthosporium turcicum) Northern leaf blight
helminthosporiose du maïs (Helminthosporium turcicum) Turcicum leaf blight
herbicide de contact surface herbicide
herbicide de surface contact herbicide
herbicide de surface surface herbicide
herbicide systémique systemic herbicide
hernie du chou club root of crucifers
hernie du chou finger-and-toe disease
hespérie de la canne à sucre (Nyctelius nyctelius (Latr.)) sugarcane skipper
homologation registration
hormone herbicide hormone herbicide