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Terms for subject British (usage, not spelling) (1018 entries)
il a morflé! he copped it!
il a reçu un coup de matraque he was hit with a truncheon
il a touché un sacré pacson he won a packet
il a un culot monstre he's got a bloody cheek
il a un ticket avec elle she fancies him
il a un toupet phénoménal he's outrageously cheeky
il a une bonne bouille he looks a nice bloke
il a une patte folle he's got a gammy leg
il est à chier, ce prof! that teacher is a pain in the arse
il est à l'hôpital he's in hospital
il est con comme la lune he's as daft as a brush
il est déjà répondeur à son âge he's got a lot of cheek for his age
il est gentillet, leur appartement they've got a lovely little flat
il fait un temps gris the weather's dull
il faut speeder we've got to get a move on
il loge chez des particuliers he's in private lodgings
il m'a filé un coup de poing he landed me one
il m'a klaxonné he tooted
il m'a klaxonné he hooted
il m'a tapé de 300 euros he touched me for 300 euros, he cadged 300 euros off me