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Terms for subject General (169621 entries)
formules de certificats et modalités de délivrance forms of certificates and their issue
formules des ajustements adjustment formulae
formules novatrices innovatory approaches
formules types pour les installations nucléaires facility attachments
fort bien fine
fort bien, partons à midi! very well, let's leave at noon!
fort comme un bœuf as strong as an ox
fort comme un chêne as strong as an ox
fort comme un Turc as strong as an ox
fort comme un Turc as strong as a horse
fort de leur protection reassured by their protection
fort de son expérience with a wealth of experience behind him
fort désagréable most disagreeable
fort en gymnastique very good at gymnastics
fort en langues very good at languages
fort joli very pretty
fort ténor operatic tenor
forte densité d'intégration high density integration
forte tête rebel
fortement chargé heavy-loaded