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Terms for subject Life sciences (21958 entries)
faux gavial d'Afrique African slender-snouted crocodile, African sharp-nosed crocodile
faux gavial malais false gavial, tomistoma, fase gharial
faux maquereau mackerel scad
faux poireau great round-headed garlic
faux poireau perennial sweet leek
faux rorqual humpback whale
faux safran safflower
faux saint-pierre silvery John dory
faux siki leaf-scale gulper shark
faux siki leafscale gulper shark
faux turbots lefteye flounders
faux-capitaine lesser African threadfin
fécondabilité fecundity
fécondation croisée system of cross-fertilisation between species
fécondité fecundity
Fédération des sociétés européennes de biochimie Federation of European Biochemical Societies
fenouil bâtard dill
fenouil bâtard dill weed
fente crack
fente de gel ice wedge