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Terms for subject General (169621 entries)
elle l'a fait tomber de la table she pushed him off the table
elle l'a, sinon aimé, du moins apprécié although she didn't like it she did at least appreciate it
elle l'a, sinon aimé, du moins apprécié if she didn't like it she did at least appreciate it
elle l'abreuvait d'éloges she heaped praise upon him
elle l'accueillit d'un air maussade she greeted him sullenly
elle l'appelle et il accourt all she has to do is whistle and he comes running
elle l'oubliera, le temps aidant she'll forget him in time
elle laissa échapper un soupir she gave a sigh
elle laisse le souvenir d'une femme énergique she will be remembered as an energetic woman
elle le dévisagea, interdite she stared at him in bewilderment
elle le méprise plutôt qu'elle ne le hait she doesn't so much hate as despise him
elle le regarda d'un air effaré she looked at him with a bewildered air
elle le regardait d'un air affectueux she was looking at him fondly
elle le regardait d'un air affectueux she was looking at him affectionately
elle le regarde fixement she's staring at him
elle le subjuguait she held him spellbound
elle le tira par la manche pour le faire s'approcher she took him by the sleeve and pulled him closer
elle le traite comme un paillasson she treats him like a doormat
elle le trompe avec Thomas she's having an affair with Thomas behind his back
elle le voit avec les yeux de l'amour she sees him through a lover's eyes