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Terms for subject General (169621 entries)
eau en décrue subsiding water
eau et assainissement, énergie, santé et agriculture, biodiversité et gestion des écosystèmes water and sanitation, energy, health, agriculture and biodiversity
eau évaporable evaporable water
eau extinctrice d'incendie extinguishing water
eau extinctrice d'incendie fire fighting water
eau faiblement minéralisée water with a low mineral content
eau gazeuse soda water
eau gazeuse fizzy water
eau gazeuse naturelle naturally carbonated water
eau grasse de maïs corn gluten feed
eau interstitielle pore water
eau interstitielle interstitial water
eau minérale naturelle renforcée au gaz de la source natural mineral water fortified with gas from the spring
eau non comptabilisee unaccounted-for-water
eau non declaree unaccounted-for-water
eau non enregistree unaccounted-for-water
eau non facturee unaccounted-for-water
eau non potable water for industrial use
eau non potable non-drinkable water
eau non potable water unsuitable for drinking