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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
Directives pour l'application du Règlement de transport des matières radioactives Advisory Material for the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials
directives relatives aux oiseaux et aux habitats naturels Birds and Habitats Directives
directives techniques pour la gestion écologiquement rationnelle des déchets technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of wastes
dirigeants, top executives
discours speech (An address or form of oral communication in which a speaker makes his thoughts and emotions known before an audience, often for a given purpose)
dismutation disproportionation
disparition du cordon dunaire disappearance of the dune belt
dispersant dispersion medium
dispersion dispersion (A distribution of finely divided particles in a medium)
dispersion des effluents gazeux waste gas dispersion
dispersion des effluents gazeux waste gas dispersion (The process of breaking up and producing a diffuse distribution of the unusable aeriform fluid or suspension of fine particles in air resulting from a manufacturing process or the burning of a substance in an enclosed area)
dispersion des hydrocarbures dispersion of hydrocarbons
dispersion des poussières dispersal of dust
dispersion du peuplement population dispersion
dispersion verticale vertical diffusion
dispersion verticale vertical dispersion
disponibilité des matériaux secondaires availability of secondary materials
disponibilité en eau water availability
dispositif device
dispositif à contact par plaques poreuses sieve-plate contactor