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Terms for subject General (169621 entries)
dextranes E 486
dextrose D-glucose
dextrose corn sugar
dextrose dextrose
dextrose grape sugar
DG Affaires économiques et financières Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
DG Affaires économiques et financières DG Economic and Financial Affairs
DG Affaires intérieures Directorate-General for Home Affairs
DG Affaires intérieures DG Home Affairs
DG Affaires maritimes et pêche Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
DG Affaires maritimes et pêche DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
DG Agriculture et développement rural Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
DG Agriculture et développement rural DG Agriculture and Rural Development
DG Aide humanitaire et protection civile (ECHO) Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection
DG Aide humanitaire et protection civile (ECHO) Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid
DG Aide humanitaire et protection civile (ECHO) European Community Humanitarian Office
DG Aide humanitaire et protection civile (ECHO) Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission
DG Aide humanitaire et protection civile (ECHO) Humanitarian Aid DG
DG Aide humanitaire et protection civile (ECHO) DG Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection
DG Budget Directorate-General for the Budget