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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
chouette bobook de l'île Norfolk Norfolk Island boobook owl
chouette des Moluques Christmas Island owl
chouette tachetée du Nord Northern spotted owl
chouettes, hiboux typical owls
chromatographie chromatography (A method of separating and analyzing mixtures of chemical substances by selective adsorption in a column of powder or on a strip of paper)
chromatographie d'absorption absorption chromatography
chromatographie d'absorption adsorption chromatography
chromatographie d'absorption liquid-solid chromatography
chromatographie en phase gazeuse gas chromatography (A separation technique involving passage of a gaseous moving phase through a column containing a fixed phase; it is used principally as a quantitative analytical technique for volatile compounds)
chromatographie ionique ion chromatography
chromatographie phase critique/liquide supercritical-fluid chromatography
chrome chromium (A hard grey metallic element that takes a high polish, occurring principally in chromite: used in steel alloys and electroplating to increase hardness and corrosion-resistance)
chromophore chromatophore
chronologie des principaux feux composite fire interval
chronologie des principaux feux master fire chronology
chrysophycées chrysophyta
chrysophycées Chrysophyta
chrysophycées chrysophyta (The golden-brown and orange-yellow algae; a diverse group of microscopically small algae which inhabit fresh and salt water, many being planktonic. They contain carotenoid pigments and may be unicellular, colonial, filamentous or amoeboid)
chuckwulla de San Esteban San Esteban Island Chuckwalla
chute de grêle hail-storm