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Terms for subject Environment (33978 entries)
carte solaire solar energy map
carte solaire solar irradiance map
carte solaire solar map
carte synoptique synoptic chart weather map
carte synoptique synoptic map
carte synoptique weather chart
carte-étalon de Ringelmann Ringelmann chart
cartes statistiques bulle buff tabulating cards
cartes statistiques couleurs coloured tabulating cards
cartogramme map chart
cartogramme chart
cartogramme map chart (A map, generally designed for navigation or other particular purposes, in which essential map information is combined with various other data critical to the intended use)
cartographie mapping (The process of making a map of an area; especially the field work necessary for the production of a map)
cartographie (cartes) mapping
cartographie cartography (The making of maps and charts for the purpose of visualizing spatial distributions over various areas of the earth)
cartographie (cartes mapping
cartographie biocénotique biocenotic cartography
cartographie de l'érosion pluviale rain erosion mapping
Cartographie de la vulnérabilité et des risques en vue de la protection des aquifères carbonatés (d'origine karstique) Vulnerability and risk mapping for the protection of carbonate (karst) aquifers (COST action G 6)
cartographie de lichens mapping of lichens