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Terms for subject Environment (31552 entries)
brûlis à blanc clean burn
brûlis à blanc clear burn
brulure fire injury
brume haze (Reduced visibility in the air as a result of condensed water vapour, dust, etc., in the atmosphere)
brume mist (Fine water droplets suspended in the air, which reduce visibility. Usually mists form at night, when the temperature falls because the sky is clear. If visibility falls below 1,000 metres, the mist becomes a fog)
brume enveloppante enveloping haze
brume enveloppante haze canopy
brumée smoke fog
brumisiteur fog generator
brun des pélargoniums geranium bronze
brunelle self-heal
brunelle commune self-heal
brut de synthèse syncrude
bruyance noisiness
bruyère heathland
bruyère commune common heather
bruyère commune ling
bruyère côtière coastal heath
bryophites bryophyte (Any plant of the division Bryophyta, having stems and leaves but lacking true vascular tissue and roots and reproducing by spores: includes the mosses and liverworts)
bucane common heather